Nick Simone

Player Name
Nick Simone

#16 Nick Simone- Simone currently plays at RIT where he is an instrumental piece of their team. He finished the season with 6 goals and 12 assists. He was named to the Liberty League All-Academic Team for maintaining above a 3.3 GPA.


First & Last Name:

Nicholas Simone
Date of Birth: 3/3/99
Hometown: Greece
High School: Hilton
Nickname: Bone
Favorite Athlete: Messi
Favorite Soccer Team: Barcelona
Favorite soccer player: Messi
Favorite number: 15
Best advise ever given: If you don’t shoot you don’t score
Favorite TV show: Friends
Instagram: Simonenick2
Favorite place to eat in Rochester: Delmonicos
Hidden Talent: Spike ball abilities
Dinner with 3 famous people who would they be: Jennifer Aniston, Jimmy fallon, Pierlo
Career plans after soccer or school: Nursing/medical school

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